Sunday 20 January 2019

Recipe of Gazrela , Recipe of Carrot Halwa and Gajor Ka halwa

Before making Gazrela you should know that what is Gazrela and in which season it is consumed by people. Gazrela is also called gazar Ka halwa and carrot halwa. It is a carrot based sweet dish which belongs to the Indian subcontinent. This Gazrela is made with crushed carrots, ghee, nuts and milk. We can serve this Gazrela with a garnish of almonds. People eat Gazrela only in the winter season because it is made from carrots and carrots are grown in the fields and harvested in the winter season.
Most of the people thought that winters are incomplete if they don't eat Gazrela.

We can serve it hot or cold. Moreover, there are many causes due to which most of the people likes to eat this  gazar Ka halwa. First of all, it is a vegetarian dish, many people don't like to eat non-veg.  Secondly, it is very tasty to eat and easy to make Gazrela. Thirdly, it is a light sweet dessert and having low in fat. So, Gazrela is a popular sweet dessert all over India. It is liked by everyone whether they are adult or children we can serve it on marriage, festivals and any other celebration but only in winter season.

Course sweets
Couisine Indian subcontinent
Prep time 15 minutes
Cook time 20 minutes
Total time 35 minutes
Taste sweet
Servings 7 to 8


1. Crushed carrots 2.5 kg
2. A half kg of ghee
3. Powder of 10 cardamoms
4. Sugar 1 kg
5. 4 cup of milk

As you know that Gazrela is made with milk ghee and sugar but we can make it with and without milk. It gives best taste if you add almonds and milk in it. Gazrela 's recipe is easy and simple.


1. You should use large pan instead of small pan. If you use large pan, then it is easy for you to stir carrots  and the mixture prevents from burning.
2. It is important to buy fresh, Juicy and good quality of carrots. Such types of carrots are easy to peel and grate.


1. First of all, rinse and peel the carrots properly. Now grate these carrots either with a hand  or in a food processor.
2. Take 10 cardamoms, remove the husk and crushed seeds properly to a pure powder.


1. Peel and grate carrots. I grate these carrots with a grater.

2. Take a large pan  and heat a half kg of ghee in this pan. I have used pure desi ghee which is homemade. Heat it about 10 minutes.

3. Add 2 and a half kg of  grated carrots to the hot ghee and cook these carrots in the ghee.

4. After 10 minutes, add 1 kg of sugar and cardamom powder and mix it well with carrots. Cook till sweet smell arise from these carrots . Continue to stir and cook carrots about 20 minutes.

5. Put off the flame, when carrots cooked properly as shown in the picture. Now your Gazrela is ready to eat.


1. Add the grated carrots in a large pan and pour 4 cup of milk.
2. Now stir the mixture of carrots and milk
and set the flame to high.
3. Continue to stir and you will see that the milk starts reducing slowly and slowly.
4. When the mixture will be reduced upto
50 percent, the add 1 kg of sugar in it and also add cardamom powder.
5. More quantity of milk that is added  by us will reduce, continue to stir till the mixture becomes dry.

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